Villa la Angostura to San Carlos de Bariloche

La Sinfonia apartment hotel. One night Arg$200 (£34) for three.

Our trusty Chevrolet Corsa.

Main street Villa la Angostura.

From Villa La Angostura it was only 80km down to Bariloche mostly along the shore of Lago Nahuel Huapi.

The scenery was again stunning and we stopped frequently.

Approaching Bariloche at the east end of Lago Nahuel Huapi.

Central Bariloche.

Bariloche marina on Lago Nahuel Huapi.

At Bariloche we had lunch then parted company with Marcus who headed off into the mountains. Thanks for the lift Marcus.

We decided to stay in Bariloche a day or two and checked into a private room at
Las Moiras Hostel. Cost Arg$60 per night.

We had an enjoyable late dinner before returning to Las Moiras.

There was a heating malfunction. IE there wasn't any heating. By this time the outside temperature had dropped to zero. They did, however, have lots of extra blankets.