Australia Day

Somebody belonging to Couch Surfers had arranged an Australia Day picnic in Buenos Aires. It was an open invitation so I donned my 15 year old St Kilda t-shirt and went along to have a look.

It was mostly gringo backpackers but quite a few Argentines and assorted other gringos showed up as well.

The organiser had obtained supplies of Australia's national dish,
vegemite. Bread and vegemite were duly offered to all Argentines and other non Australians all of whom were photographed while they tasted this wonderful food.

Reactions were mixed with not all fully appreciating the unique culinary experience on offer. These photos must be somewhere online but I've yet to find them.

Around 21:00 the park was closed and I went off to dinner with Neil from Australia, Antonio from Buenos Aires and another chap from New York.

For the second time I got the number 60 bus back to San Fernando. This time I stayed awake and got off at the right stop.