St Martin de Los Andes to Villa la Angostura

Our hotel in San Martin de los Andes.

Main street San Martin de los Andes.

Travellers bound south normally check road conditions with the tourist office. They were a bit surprised that we planned to
travel to Villa la Angostura in a Chevrolet Corsa.

We were now in the spectacular Argentine lake district travelling on route 234. This road was about 50% unpaved and very muddy with extensive potholing in places.

Heavy rain would make the route very difficult but the weather was fine and the scenery spectacular.

Marcus and self on the shore of Lago Nahuel Huapi with snow topped mountains behind us.

Lago Nahuel Huapi

We travelled slowly arriving in Villa la Angostura late in the afternoon. It is a lovely town on the shore of Lago Nahuel Huapi.

This time we rented a furnished cabina at "La Sinfonia" for Arg$200 per night. Excellent place and Marcus cooked a very tasty beef bourguignon.
