Delta Rowing Trip

Another day out rowing in the Tigre Delta. Midweek there is much less traffic in general and almost none in some of the smaller tributaries.

After 14km of rowing I had lunch at the
Alpenhaus restaurant. An Austrian restaurant with some rooms tucked away in the middle of the delta.

Sadly the restaurant charged like wounded bulls for not a lot of food. The location was lovely though.

They just had to have one of these.

View from our table.

This path ran through the grounds but I never saw the bridge.

The rowing boat. They are quite fast if one gets the rowing technique right but are a tad unstable so care is needed when moving about the boat. Generally traffic in the delta slows for rowing boats but not always. With a heavy wash, particularly in shallow water, they can ship a lot of water quite quickly.

The route covered 24km and took about 7.5 hours with a lunch stop.