Porto Alegre - Puriclean

A slightly cooler and fine day today.

I have become aware that the fresh water system might not be as clean as it should be. Recent very hot weather and water from less than optimum sources may not have helped.

Last night I mixed up a batch of Puriclean and added it to all three water tanks which were about a third full.


Puriclean recomend 12 hours standing time. Today I topped up the tanks and pumped them dry. A lot of brownish foamy water emerged initially but it became cleaner. Then the tanks were filled again and pumped dry. Finally the fore and aft tanks were filled with water and a dash of chlorine based water purifier.

Result. Clean and virtually odour free water from all taps. The pump filter was virtually clean with only a few specks of sediment.

I've been carrying Puriclean aboard for over 5 years and this is only the second time I have used it. My normal practice has been to add a bit of household bleach or water purifier when I can find it.