
First stop today is Caixa Galicia. My Van Morrison ticket has arrived. They check my ID and hand it over. The system worked well in the end. It's a shame they can't resist preying on customers who can't order online.

Then I visited the internet cafe to upload this site to the new servers provided by
MacHighway. I had been having some difficulties uploading to the old server which I attributed to the software I was using. Perhaps not. The upload was very fast and achieved at the first attempt.

After lunch I tackled a couple of jobs. Kiriwina has a Par automatic bilge pump which can be triggered manually or via a Par Hydro-Air switch. The latter had not worked for some time. I last looked at it in Dartmouth and found that the air tube was disconnected. It still did not work when the tube was put back. I removed the switch for closer inspection and found that the rubber gaiter connecting the air tube to the switch was split. This was why the tube had originally disconnected but the split was not visible with the switch in situ.

Not having a new gaiter I sealed the joint with tape, filled the bilge and bingo off it went. One problem solved but another emerged. A small fuel leak has developed from the primary engine filter. This was serviced last September and it may be that the filter is not seated properly. This will be messy to pull apart so I put a container underneath to see how bad the leak is before doing anything.