Return to Vilagarcia

Got up reasonably early and caught the 10:40 train From Santiago de Compostela to Vilagarcia. The weather has turned nasty. It is cloudy with showers and NW F7 is forecast.

Spend the day doing odd jobs about the boat including fitting a bottle screw and chain to secure the anchor for sea without using the windlass and fitting an LED bulb to the refurbished port berth reading light.

Both reading lights have now been fitted LED clusters from
BEBI. They give out a whiter much stronger light than the 10w bulb they replace. A great improvement. The port one which had started to tarnish badly after it got splashed with salt water polished up really well with Solvol Autosol. It was then coated with synthetic varnish. Not a perfect finish but if it doesn't tarnish I will be happy.