Oostend to Breskens

Oostend to Vlissingen is about 35 miles and we opt to catch the afternoon tide.

We clear our berth at 14:45 and the harbour at 15:05.

Winds vary but are generally in our favour and we are able to make over half of the passage under sail.

Traditional sailing ship off the Belgian coast.

As we approach the Schelde estuary the wind dies away and as it is gone 19:00 we decide to divert to Breskens on the south bank of the river. By 20:50 we are all fast on the visitor pontoon. We chat to skipper of a lovely Moody "Fusilier".

By the time we reach the yacht club restaurant it is after 22:00. Although they have ceased serving the lady running the place arranges servings of their excellent daily special. The crew of "Fusilier" join us and after dinner we return to their yacht for a nightcap.

The weather forecast is not good for the next few days and Fusilier's skipper, Christopher, suggests we consider proceeding via the Dutch inland waterways. Fusilier had just come from Amsterdam via this route. Sounds like a good idea and Christopher kindly loans us most of the maps and guides we need.

Day's run 27.2 miles. Breskens marina fee €15.85.


We decide to take a day off and make a trip to the lovely town of Brugge.

I have been there quite often over the years but Russ has never been.

We catch the train from Oostend, have a nice lunch on the main square and spend the afternoon taking in the sights.

These include a boat tour on the canals and a tour of the local brewery.

Back to the boat early evening followed by dinner in town.

Calais to Oostend

An early start to catch the bridge opening and tide. Again flat calm and we motor most of the way with a few attempts to sail when the wind appears briefly.

The main marina in Oostend is very crowded so we go further into the port and berth at the
Royal Yacht Club Ostend. A slightly run down establishment but very friendly with an energetic and helpful harbourmaster. We like this club.