
A very relaxing day in Lisbon starting with a coffee in a popular cafe near the hotel in Belem. I treated myself to a copy of The Guardian to read over my coffee.

I have to say it. Having been in Portugal for a few weeks now the coffee does not compare well with that in Spain. I wonder why.

Then I took the train into town to check on the marina at Doca de Alcantara. I had been led to believe that berths were hard to come by in August. No problem. There were plenty of berths and the cost was the same as at Nazaré. Ah well! I could have left the boat here after all.

Later I wet into the city centre and had a drink in the Plaza da Figueira. At the bottom of Aveida da Libertade there is a beautifully restored art deco theatre facade which now fronts a hotel. The avenue itself is wide and tree lined. It leads from the city centre gently up hill to the large Parque Eduado VII.