Duckerswisch Siding Kiel Canal to Cuxhaven

Today's passage will be governed by the timing of the Elbe ebb tide. There is no point being in the Elbe much before 15:00 so I am able to have a bit of a lay-in.

We get underway at around 10:30 and moor at the Brunsbüttel Sportboot layby berth at around 12:30. It is a very hot day and I decide to walk into town, have some lunch and pick up some milk and fruit.

Back on board we leave the layby berth at 15:30, clear the canal via the south Alte Scheusen lock and by 16:30 along with a gaggle of other yachts join the sleigh ride on the Elbe to Cuxhaven.

I like this passage with the tide. It is quite exciting. Some boats try to sail but there really isn't much wind. We keep to the north side small boat channel only crossing to the south/western side a few buoys before Cuxhaven.

We have an uneventful trip and are berthed at Cuxhaven by around 19:00. This is the same marina we used on the northbound passage.

Days Run 22.4 miles Marina Cost €18.00 for 2 nights