Kiel to Duckerswisch Siding Kiel Canal

We clear BKYC by 07:15 and at 0745 are waiting off Holtenau locks for entry clearance.

Entrance to Holtenau Locks from the Keiler Fjord

By 08:25 we are secure alongside the north wall of the large southern lock. The fenders are soft timber at the waterline and again my fenders keep popping out.

I have to nip ashore to the lockmasters office to pay the €12 transit fee. At 08:45 we clear the lock and proceed along the Kiel canal.

A pretty uneventful passage with only light traffic. The only real excitement being a couple of oldish looking eastern bloc warships, belching volumes of smoke, which pass us near Rendsburg. I think they are Estonian but am unable to verify this.

Most likely an ex USSR Estonian naval vessel.

It would probably be possible to make Brunsbüttel today but I decide to overnight at Dückerswisch siding. This turns out to be a sheltered inlet just off the canal with a series of poles for mooring and a little beach tucked into the corner.

I have great fun mooring but fortunately there is little wind and we end up moored with a single bow line to one pole and two stern lines out to separate poles. We are all fast by 16:45 and by about 18:00 there are 5 yachts moored in the siding. It is quiet apart from some noisy families on the beach but there is no wash from passing ships.

Day's run 42.1 miles Passage time: 9hrs 30min