Leeuwarden to Oostmahorn

An impressively early start sees us underway at 09:20.

There are 7 bridges around Leeuwarden and once we leave the Lange Meer we are in a canal not used by commercial barge traffic. This means that there is a small local "Clog Tax" on each bridge/group of bridges that we pass through. The means of collection is a clog dangled at the end of a rod and line by the bridge keeper into which the required tax is deposited. This can lead to some interesting moments when approaching a bridge where wind is a factor.

The canal route doubles back through Leeuwarden (Clog Tax €6) and we were surprised to discover moorings alongside lovely grassy banks on the western side of the town centre.

After leaving Leeuwarden the canal winds through pretty countryside and we note occasional lay-by berths which can be used free of charge for overnight stops.

We then pass through the pretty town of Dokkum at 15:00 and proceed eastwards entering Dokkum Diep and onto
Oostmahorn Jachthaven where we moor at 17:15.

This is quite a large and remote marina able to take quite large craft. We eat at the marina restaurant and check e-mails.

Tomorrow we will leave the inland waterway and proceed to sea.

Daily Run 28.3 Marina Cost €12.75 per day.