Borkum to Norderney

Now back at sea we needed to pay attention to tides again. They can be quite strong around the Frisian Islands and it is best to avoid foul tides.

We left Borkum Yachthafen at 11:15 in fine sunny weather with virtually no wind. Prior to leaving Borkum I had purchased German chart 89 Juist bis Wangerooge.

After an uneventful trip heavy rain set in as we approched Norderney. The buoyed approach differed noticeably from that shown on my new chart so we just followed a local yacht who followed the buoys.

The rain became very heavy but had eased off by the time we entered Norderney harbour at 16.45. High speed ferries service Norderney and a careful lookout all round needs to be kept.

Once we got into the harbour mooring arrangements were not immediately apparent. We found out later that one simply seeks out those berths marked with a green square indicating availability. Red squares indicate the berth is occupied.

Eventually we found a berth and by 17:15 were all fast at
Norderney Sportboothafen.

We liked Norderney. A well run marina, good facilities and a nice feel about it. We had an excellent meal in the marina restaurant.

Daily Run 27 miles. Marina Fee €9.90 per day, Shower €1.50, Service Card Refundable €10