
The weather is really marvellous. Day after day of fine sunny days with temperatures in the low 20's.

My new LED lights from
Bebi Electronics arrive from Fiji. Not bad considering I ordered them on 4th April and easter fell in between. I am going to replace some of the cabin lights and some nav lights with appropriate LED units with the aim of achieving much lower power consumption at sea.

Today I rigged the staysail and partially rigged the main. Everything seemed fine. The main is now 10 years old but is still in good condition and certainly good for another year.

I need to get some detailed charts for the Rias
(Mapes de Navegació) and get a copy of El Litoral de Galicia - Rías Baixas.

Jose-Ramon recommended
Librería Cartamar which is on the other side of La Coruña. I catch a bus over and they have all the charts I need. Not cheap though! At €24 they are pretty well on a par with UK chart prices. Unfortunately they are out of stock of El Litoral de Galicia - Rías Baixas. Back on the bus to Librería Arenas in the centre of town who do have the book.