Salcombe 20-21 Sept

21st September

Weatherbound in Salcombe. The forecast is for SW Gales.

Dave and I take a long walk out to Bolt head where my handheld windmeter indicates only F3. The sea does not look too bad either.

We find an internet cafe and confirm that a gale is forecast to come through tomorrow.

After an uninspiring dinner at the ferry inn we return to the boat.

22nd September

Weatherbound in Salcombe. The forecast is again for Gales.

We motor the boat round to the town pontoon to check the weather forecast. It looks dodgy. We decide to stay but motor down to the harbour entrance to check the sea state. Looks a bit lumpy but not too bad.

We return to The Bag and come back to town in the tender later in the day for a wander about and to purchase some provisions.

As we return to the boat the wind is noticeably increasing. We deploy extra moorings and eat on board. Later in the evening the wind peaks at 35 knots, just inside the gale force 8 range.