Punta Ballena

This morning we moved on to a dock mooring. The difference here between mooring on a buoy (Urg$292) and on the dock (Urg$372) is about 30%. In some other Hidrografia ports it is 100%.

They got a bit snippy with us saying that the berth we had chosen was reserved and we would have to move. It turned out that the Hidrografia use USA Channel 20 whereas our Channel 20 is European. They heard us call but we could not hear them.

It turned out that the berth was vacant after all and we stayed.

No wind today so we rented a scooter and drove 20km out to Punta Ballena.

Nancy at Punta Ballena with Punta del Este in the background.

It is a lovely spot and we had a spectacular day to visit.

An old fishermans cottage tucked in among the rocks.

Punta Ballena is home to
CasaPueblo. The museum/workshop of the Uruguayan artist Carlos Páez Vilaró.

A gorgeous location and a beautifully eccentric building constructed over many years.

The building is an expression of his never ending conflict with the tyranny of the straight line.

Some of his paintings are on display.

A micro cinema screens an introductory video.

There is a hotel included in the site...

...complete with gardens and a pool.

Late afternoon terrace view west towards Piriapolis.

This makes the fifth none linear artist/architect I have come across. The others being Gaudi in Barcelona,
Hundertwasser in Vienna, César Manrique on Lanzarote and Antonio Padron also on Lanzarote.

Back in Punta del Este we had a red sunset over the marina.