Passage to Rio Grande

It looked as though today might be the day to leave. The Uruguayan forecast was as follows.

Boletín Meteorológico Marino de la hora 15:00 UTC del 11/12/2010

Período de validez: 24 hs.
1. Aviso de temporal: se formula por rachas de viento del SE y S hasta la fuerza 8 (34 - 40 nudos) para Mar Territorial Uruguayo, Río de la Plata y Río Grande del Sur. Validez: desde las 20 UTC hasta el final del período.
Situación sinóptica correspondiente a la carta de las 12:00 UTC y su evolución:
Frente cálido se ubica en 27oS 58oW, 29oS 53oW y 30oS 50oW. Frente frío se ubica en 40oS 52oW, 38oS 55oW y 35oS 60oW y se desplaza al NE. Sistema de alta presión se aproxima por el SW de Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Mar Territorial Uruguayo
Vientos: N fuerza 5/3. Rotando al S y SE fuerza 5/7, rachas de fuerza 8. Nubosidad y fenómenos asociados: nuboso y cubierto, precipitaciones y tormentas aisladas. Visibilidad: buena a regular. Olas: 1.5 m. evolucionando a 3.5 m. Tendencia próximas 48 horas: vientos: SW y W fuerza 5/6, rachas de fuerza 7. Nubosidad y fenómenos asociados: nuboso, períodos de algo nuboso.

The question for me was whether I would get F5 or F7. In the end I decided to go reasoning that the weather was forecast to ease further north and we were going north.

Our stay of two weeks at La Paloma cost Urg$3208 (£103). Clearance out was slow and relaxed.

Back on board I singled up and in calm conditions eased off the berth at 17:00. The engine seemed to hesitate before giving full power after a screeching noise from below. At 17:15 we cleared the harbour and motor sailed east to clear the sandbanks lying north of La Paloma harbour.

At 18:50 we were well clear and continued under sail. A heavy rain squall passed over at 20:00 followed by SW winds F4-5. Later La Laloma radio called up enquiring as to our well being.

Towards midnight we were having a relaxed sail and the wind began to ease.